Reimagining the Workplace Lobby

Office building owners seeking to maintain—and even increase—real estate value despite high vacancy and interest rates are evaluating the strategic value of lobbies. Rather than treating the lobby as merely a transitory space between the front door and an interior destination, they’re creating distinctive, desirable lobby experiences. Lobbies are becoming high-impression, welcoming spaces that foster connection between individuals—spaces that help employers bring people into the office.

The Desire for Better Space, Not More

With the rise of hybrid work, organizations are seeking ways to make the office a destination where people want to come for work, collaboration, and connection. This means creating a workplace that offers an enriching experience for people who use it. It’s not about having more space; it’s about having a better space. In fact, according to JLL’s Future of Work survey, 77% of organizations agree that investing in quality office space is a greater priority than expanding their footprint.  

As the first space people see when they walk into a building, the lobby makes for an ideal place to start. Many open-concept lobbies are not well utilized. Reimagining lobbies as amenity-rich spaces can add more value for organizations and improve the value of office buildings.

An Expanded Role for Lobbies

When lobbies have lead roles, rather than being considered supporting actors, they incorporate inviting social spaces and amenities that bring people together. A lobby designed as an integral part of the Work from Anywhere ecosystem serves as a mechanism to draw people into the office. It offers the variety of spaces individuals and teams seek as alternatives to the traditional workspace when needed—settings that may feel like home or a third place.

This new type of lobby includes places for focus work and private conversations, as well as collaboration. By providing more variety and choice for employees, organizations can use lobby amenities to reel-in and keep top talent.

Of course, an amenity-rich lobby will continue to serve the purpose of supporting guests and employees with spaces where waiting time can be productive, relaxing, or used to connect with other people. Plus, when the lobby includes amenities that can be used by the greater community, it helps create shared experiences that bring people and neighborhoods together.

Transform Lobbies without Construction Hassles

Part of Haworth’s leadership in designing higher-value lobby spaces has been in creating solutions that allow transformation without the cost and mess of construction. Our movable walls and architectural product solutions can be installed quickly in open spaces without lengthy planning and disruptions. For example, a freestanding post-and-beam system, such as Haworth’s Pergola, can be used to create diverse spaces with varying levels of visual privacy and technology distribution—for everything from individual focus work to group collaboration. Plus, post-and-beam systems offer the flexibility to be reconfigured as needs change.

Another way to enrich lobbies without construction hassles is through the addition of pods. These acoustically private spaces are easily installed to provide spots for confidential phone and video calls, individual focus work, collaborative work, and small group meetings. Most Hushoffice pods from Haworth feature integrated casters, which also allow for ease of movement and adaptability for changing needs.

And of course, ancillary products like sofas, chairs, and tables will help transform any existing lobby spaces into comfortable, more attractive, useful, and desirable spaces. For maximum adaptability, elements with a modular design allow for greater customization and easy reconfiguration for the future.    


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